Thursday, June 15, 2006

Quacks like a duck?

Maybe it is a duck, but how much goose stepping does it need before anyone calls it a nazi? Our new, non-activist court might just have something under those robes that you don’t want to see – like shiny knee boots. Today they decided that on those rare occasions when the authorities have a search warrant, they can just kick down the door rather than knock, reasonable or not.

Although a concept of the natural rights of man is the cornerstone or our republic, that right no longer applies to a non-citizen who can for any reason and with no recourse or explanation be held indefinitely without right to council or hearing. A Federal Judge in Brooklyn ruled yesterday that Immigration law allows the boys in shiny boots to detain non-citizens on the basis of religion, race or national origin, and to hold them indefinitely without explanation.

To put it bluntly, it would seem that now that the Republicans own the government, our natural rights as humans, our guaranteed rights under the constitution, the rights of a prisoner of war and in fact our rights under plain old notions of common decency are now only defined as what the party feels it expedient to allow you.

To put it more bluntly, the difference between our government and a fascist government is narrowing to the point of irrelevance and there is only one place to place the blame; on the cowardly, ignorant, superstitious, xenophobic and stupid American public. We, at the peak of our power and affluence and with momentum toward the goal of a fair, just and ethical society have thrown it away for a fable, a fatuous fear and an ape-like attraction to the alpha apes who now rule us. Due process is dead. The dream is lost.

I am here as the descendent of a hundred generations of people who knew when to get out, who could sense the periodic madness as dogs sense an impending hurricane. My only remaining question is – do I get out now, or do I force them to take my keyboard and my gun from my cold dead fingers?

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