Thursday, November 16, 2006

Some people say. . .

Glenn Beck -- MSNBC’s attempt to capture the idiot audience, the bigot audience, the simple minded, uninformed, illogical, paranoid, disturbed audience yearning to have their idiocy confirmed as common sense, isn’t someone I watch, but when I saw the clip on Media Matters of him interviewing Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN) who in addition to a life of achievement and public service, is a Muslim who was born in Detroit, has lived his life in the USA and is raising his children in the USA, I felt sick.

Beck is too canny to come out and say that he suspects Ellison of being a traitor because he is a Muslim, that he questions his patriotism because he is Muslim so he says "I'm not accusing you of being an enemy, but that's the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans will feel that way." That’s a fine way of making an accusation and pinning the blame on “a lot of Americans.”

“You are a Democrat; you are saying ‘let’s cut and run.’ Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.”

All of this issues from the same mouth that just told us how he likes Muslims, how he’s been to mosques and that he’s not accusing Ellison of anything.

Beck is right, some people do think this way, but when he pretends not to be one of them, I smell the bull. It matters little whether Beck is pandering to the worst of us; playing to irrational fears or whether he himself is a bigot without the courage to admit it. Beck still needs to prove to me that he isn’t the enemy. I’m not going to claim that he’s trying to destabilize America, or that he wishes to profit from race baiting or ethnic bigotry, but Americans might think so. I don’t say he’s a boil on the ass of America or another example of the worst of the worst, but that’s the way I feel and I think a lot of Americans feel that way.


RR said...

He is the enemy: the enemy of reason and logic.

He panders to the "emotions first" crowd: if you feel it, it must be true.

Coincidently, these are the same people that run our churches.

Capt. Fogg said...

And the same people who run our government.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

It is the sign of a coward when one relies on "everyone else thinks" "everyone else says" to justify an opinion or question.

Capt. Fogg said...

Absolutely and a nation that will give up liberty, that will deprive others of liberty out of fear is a nation of cowards.

I don't blame people like Limbaugh and Beck - they're doing it to get rich - I blame the dirt bags who fall for their antics and are so afraid they act like cornered rats.