Saturday, December 01, 2007

Merciful and Compassionate

Is there anything more pathetic than someone who has given their soul to be commanded by the perverts who preach? Yes, Gillian Gibbons is getting off easy, but not because Allah is merciful or because the bastards who tell people what Allah wants are compassionate, but because the Sudanese government needs to get her out of the country before the nature of faith becomes too apparent. She's only getting 15 days in some foetid cell for "insulting religion." If the efforts of the British government are successful, she may be home on Monday.

The believers want her dead because her students named a teddy bear Mohammad. Please pardon the advertisement , but watch the clip and witness what hideous vermin humans become when they have religion where their humanity used to be.


expatbrian said...

Disgusting and unnerving. There is really no defense against this kind of irrational fanaticism. There is no room for compromise, negotiation or agreement. All you can do is stay far away from them or imprison them or eliminate them. Sudan probably won't have to worry about too many teachers volunteering to come and help their starving, uneducated children anymore.

expatbrian said...

I see your back to your Google/Blogger account only comments section. Means if I comment my name link goes to a closed blogger blog instead of my current one. Oh well.

Buffalo said...

And the choir said, "amen."

d.K. said...

Thank goodness that there aren't any other serious problems whatsoever in the Sudan, so that the spiritual leaders can focus on important matters at hand like this teddy bear incident.

You just can't make this crap up...

Capt. Fogg said...


Must be a temporary problem - comments are open to anyone.

At least the Brits got the poor woman out without any flogging - Allah only knows what would have happened to a local and I sure we never find out about most of the horrors of Sharia.