Monday, August 10, 2009


Ok, I give up. It's impossible to win an argument with someone as totally dishonest as Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck or as stupid as their followers. The relentless, rabid and utterly false accusations of forced euthanasia, "death panels" and health care rationing continue despite the fact that the most rigorous reading of HR 3200 reveals nothing of the sort - and indeed nothing of the other sorts of lies they're telling. You could go look, but you won't and if you're a Republican you'll read one thing and swear you saw another, just as I could roll up the president's birth certificate and shove it up your nose and you'd go on asking for it, insisting it wasn't there, you flat-Earth bozo with too few dendrites to make a synapse.

So go ahead you demented, perverted self-righteously dishonest enemies of everything good and true. Go ahead; sit in your mother's basement with the spiders and watch Fox lies. E-mail everyone you know and assure them Obama's going to murder your kids and eat your grandmother and take away your guns too because Beck says so. I don't give a shit. A country with ten people like you in it wouldn't be worth saving anyway. Take it all you deranged psychotic cretins - whatever's left. You deserve the kind of shithole country you are making this into and you can have it.

Sayonara, assholes! I'm elsewhere.


Baltazar said...

Looks like the bilge pump has got all it can do.

Capt. Fogg said...

That's the cooling water outlet for the Port engine. There's another on the Starboard side for the other engine and the water-cooled generator.

A friend of mine snapped that one the other day while passing Fort Pierce - we were almost stopped taking pictures of each other.

mrsleep said...

I half expected to see a picture of trouser at half mast and a full moon exposed :)

Kvatch said...

The relentless, rabid and utterly false accusations of forced euthanasia, "death panels" and health care rationing continue...

There's a reason these morons are being referred to as "nutters".

Capt. Fogg said...
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