More than 20% of Einstein’s original papers contain mistakes
of some sort, says Mario Livio in Brilliant
Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein. Indeed,
Darwin’s Origin of Species contains far more of them, owing in no small part
to the total ignorance of the mechanisms of heredity at the time or
writing. It was thought that the
mysterious elements we now call genes simply mixed in the offspring like
different colors of paint rather than like the shuffling of cards. Yellow and blue paint may give green until diluted by combining with one or the
other color, but Genes, Jacks and Queens are
always one or the other and undiluted and a joker introduced into a deck will always turn up again sooner or later. Darwin’s blunder was in
not noticing that an advantageous mutation would under the blending model of his day eventually disappear, making the passing on of small traits almost
impossible with successive generations.
Mountains of new data both from fossils, in the laboratory
and from the comprehensive understanding of genetics proved that the blunder
was only apparent when viewed in a glass darkly. Inheritance didn’t work the way his detractors
insisted (and some still do.) As to one
of Einstein’s apparent blunders, first in adding and then removing Lambda, the
Cosmological Constant, the truth seems
when viewed through more modern glasses that
adding it was not a blunder but understanding it is so far an unachieved
Yet when we examine the kind of Denialism modern
communications have facilitated, we will
find much commentary using the early pre-Mendelian uncertainties in the theory
of Evolution to attack what may now be the most documented and supported theory
of anything and further, a theory
that gains more supporting data with every new discovery and finds wider and
wider application. We find, at least in
my opinion, far less outrage about any of the proposed explanations
of the apparently accelerating inflation of empty space in our universe . Astronomy was not yet advanced enough for Einstein’s early cosmology to include an
expanding cosmos, much less an accelerating expansion and he famously removed
the constant, which he called ugly, from his equations as being no longer necessary.
Still, deniers and opponents of all sorts exist and passionately marshal outdated
observations, invalid arguments and fallacies against the science. I don’t think I’m being venturesome by seeing
patterns amongst denialists. I think there is a constellation of beliefs that
seem to accompany passionate attacks on well documented scientific and historical consensuses and
they differ from the truly valid observations that consensus changes when new
data appears. There certainly is no new
data refuting evolution, nor are geneticists and paleontologists moving in all
seriousness away from accepting it. The same is true of the currently accepted ages of the Earth or
of the Universe. There is no new data
showing that millions were not rounded up and gassed by the Nazis and I’m
convinced that there is no new data and only an assemblage of fragments of old
data to argue that not only is the idea that the worldwide climate is changing
but that the deforestation and artificial introduction of carbon and sulfur compounds into the air are not a significant factor. Arguments
that examine only fragments of data, chosen for ambiguity are often cited
without reference to other firm data that clarifies the matter. Insinuations
are made of suppression for political reasons as if everyone from Communist to
Libertarian would agree to delude the world for no particular gain. Assertions are made that radiocarbon dating “is
a joke” and “is no longer trusted.”
Assertions that global warming is part
of a natural cycle, contrary to observed data.
Assertions that one data set invalidates all other data with no mention
of peer reviews of that set. It’s almost
People, or at least a large proportion of the people who angrily
deny theories and the data that support them also possess, as I mentioned, a
constellation of other traits and particularly a personal attachment to belief
systems political and religious. Most
people for instance, who argue in the total absence of empirical observation and contrary to huge and growing masses of
data, from physics, mathematics and geology are certainly
religious. Likewise, the people
who write books and articles about the “hoax” of climate change tend also to
have not only an affiliation with ‘Conservative’ politics and religious
traditions but a propensity to assemble the same sort of arguments. Concocted evidence of human footprints next
to dinosaur tracks, fictitious articles
about oil forming magically in the deep strata,
dishonest testimony that evolutionary science is giving way to other
interpretations, books asserting evidence against the existence of Nazi
extermination camps almost always written either by heretofore unknown “experts” often unconnected or only tangentially connected to the
science in question or to science in general all grasped at like floating straws to Denialists: Books by Engineering professors
about the Holocaust Hoax, Articles and
talks about anthropogenic factors in
climate change by aeronautical
engineers, and TV meteorologists. Paleontologists, Paleoclimatologists,
Geologists? Not so much, unless they work for the petroleum industry.
Certainly the history of science is the history of how
theories are modified as technology allows new data; how theories are replaced
by theories that explain observed phenomena, certainly -- but giant worldwide hoaxes involving nearly every scientist in a field including suppression and falsification of data? I can’t
think of one, nor can I think of a motivation that would affect such a widely
diverse set of individuals and make them act in such unlikely harmony.
No, as I said, not only Einstein’s work but the work of all
the most brilliant pioneers of science and mathematics have contained errors, oversights
and blunders. We don’t have shoe
salesmen writing anti-Newtonian diatribes. We don’t hear about Galileo’s Hoax,
the mendacity of Kepler, do we and that's because they don't endanger the dearly held fictions of today's religious people or wealthy corporations.
Science progresses haltingly but the ultimate test is the agreement of theory with data even as data emerges and refines theory. Theories have been overthrown, discredited and abandoned but the level of passion involved has nothing to do with the soundness or unsoundness of a theory as history asserts in a loud voice. If Einstein, Newton Kepler, Kelvin, Darwin, Hoyle and in fact all of them spent their lives revising and reviewing, blundering and going back to the drawing board, none of them have been perpetrating hoaxes. Hoaxes involving multitudes only seem apparent to certain kinds of people who share certain characteristics. Not understanding how science works is one of those characteristics. Being Republican is another.
Science progresses haltingly but the ultimate test is the agreement of theory with data even as data emerges and refines theory. Theories have been overthrown, discredited and abandoned but the level of passion involved has nothing to do with the soundness or unsoundness of a theory as history asserts in a loud voice. If Einstein, Newton Kepler, Kelvin, Darwin, Hoyle and in fact all of them spent their lives revising and reviewing, blundering and going back to the drawing board, none of them have been perpetrating hoaxes. Hoaxes involving multitudes only seem apparent to certain kinds of people who share certain characteristics. Not understanding how science works is one of those characteristics. Being Republican is another.
There is no new data arguing against accepted cosmological
and paleontological or anthropological theories. There is no emerging data
arguing for a climate hoax, Intelligent design, a worldwide flood – only cranks seeking attention and the people
with personal, financial and psychological reasons to become their disciples. Yet they go on and on. Fox goes on reporting and deciding for us.
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