Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side
It's time we stop. . .
What did anyone expect? In America the signs say justice but they mean blood. We counter prejudice with prejudice, hate with hate, lies with lies while the truth lies trampled and bleeding.
A detailed, meticulous, scientific and lengthy investigation is a "travesty" and the prosecutor "passed the buck" and "shirked his responsibility" which we are told is to simply indict the cop on hearsay, prejudice and rumor -- without due process or examination, to inquire like Pilatus of the mob instead of letting a jury decide on the basis of the evidence. Why a jury after all, of one's peers when we can have men in masks, costumed dancers in the street, professional heralds of hyperbole, sellers of certainties, posters on blogs and walls and Facebook pages and all those who "just know" out of prejudice, just know that accusations that feel good, fictions that validate our mission are true.
Or so say the people who a short while ago seemed like rational human beings, who considered themselves reasonable: people who go to work in the morning and come home at night, who call themselves informed, able to see things as they are. Last night I watched them, strutting in silly mustache masks, standing in front of the police with hands up saying "don't shoot." Kangaroos, holding court on the streets of St Louis. And to those champions of justice, the accused, being white, must be guilty, otherwise we would be as foolish as the people who went through the same performance as they did when Tawana Brawly was not-raped. Accusation and race are evidence enow. Otherwise our doctrines would not be pure!
Who is able to admit, after all this theater and passion and tears, that at heart they are simply self-righteous racists out dancing with long-since made-up minds, with blood lust and hooded faces in the streets at night? With so much invested in protest, who can accept that they've been lied to and made fools and have been lying to themselves. Hands up! Don't shoot!
Michael Brown was not a "child." Michael Brown, according to black witnesses and all the physical evidence did assault a police officer in his police car and was wounded in the process and ran away. He was shot according to black witnesses while "charging" the officer. He was not shot in the back according to three independent autopsies. He was not on his knees with his hands up or on the ground with the cop standing over him. He was not shot from the car window. The witnesses who testified otherwise recanted or admitted they were either not there or didn't see what they claimed they saw.
But no, he'll always be the "child" in scholar's robes and mortarboard, like a carved and gilded figure with a halo and fist full of cigars in a church representing some ancient martyrdom in wood, and of course we, out there in the cold and dark are fighting for justice. We will make a symbol of raised hands, we will bind it on our foreheads and hang it from our necks. We will chant hands up as we go into battle and as we persecute the heretics and burn the witches -- and in this sign we shall burn and plunder the innocent. In this sign we shall conquer.
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