Saturday, November 05, 2005

Take your SUV and SHUV it!

I can’t stand to hear it any more: “Now that we have kids we need to buy an SUV.” Some people are born gullible conformists and others just listen to too many “zoom-zoom” commercials on TV.

Face it, you’re not ever in this life going to be blasting across the arctic tundra or the Serengeti or fording some remote tributary of the Amazon in your leather upholstered Leviathan and if you were to try, you couldn’t do it in an overweight Lincoln Arrogator, Cadillac Exhibitionist, Lexus Bloatmaster or even a Hummjob H2. What you are going to be doing is driving a top-heavy, horrible handling, terrible braking, ladder-frame truck on the highway and often on tires that aren’t meant for that kind of service. You don’t need or want one to handle twisty mountain roads – you’re far safer in a car. You can’t legally drive in or even get to almost all the exotic places the ads suggest you can only get to in their magic sleds, much less can you avoid killing yourself in the process. Think you’re making a statement in your Ford Flatulator? You are – but not the statement you think you’re making.

A commercial encomium in last week’s Newsweek intimated that the Newest Hummer could stop faster than a car because it had anti-lock brakes. Such journalism is criminal as these brakes slightly increase stopping distance at the expense of steering control and do nothing to overcome the inherently bad stopping power of a heavy vehicle. That extra 4 or 5 car lengths the luxotruck needs to stop on the highway can mean someone’s life – maybe mine.

Physics are physics and high roll centers make for much less ability to handle quick maneuvers, even if Newton’s laws are “just a theory.” More weight dramatically lengthens stopping distance and reduces the ability to go around an obstacle. Four Wheel drive can make it much more difficult to recover from the spins that high roll centers bring. High centers of gravity and high ground clearance make it much more likely that the driver will lose control, flip over the tops of guard rails and into ditches. The sheer weight of these trucks in car’s clothing often causes roofs to collapse and break up, squashing the passengers. Ladder frame vehicles do not have energy absorbing crumple zones. Electronic gadgets and airbags don’t make up for the differences and all the advertising hyperbole won’t allow the best handling one of them to compete with the worst handling cars of 50 years ago.

SUVs and similar trucks get into more accidents and are 4 times more likely to kill someone than cars are. SUV back over 2400 children every year. Yes, the most important safety feature is the driver, but all too often, that driver is doing 95, talking on the phone, drinking coffee and dusting someone’s bumper on the Interstate. They feel safe – they’ve been told that they’re safe driving a truck, even if they haven’t got the experience and skills of a truck driver.

I see this nightmare repeated every few minutes when I take my weekly jaunt on the Florida Turnpike. I’m passed constantly by soccer moms and macho dads and witless teens pushing 95 or more in their trucks and every few weeks I see the results, strewn across medians, upside down in the ditch or being loaded onto flatbed wreckers.

Zoom Zoom to you too, ya moron.


Servant said...

Balderdash! It happens almost every other day. I find myself stranded on a mountain top looking directly down into a sports arena thousands of feet below. I don't know how I would get back to the beltway if not for my trusty Uut!

I just wish it had bigger tires and an 'tude like Grave Digger so I could drive up and over all these pretenders who like to park in front of me during rush hour!

Intellectual Insurgent said...

You are so right. I hear people say they need an Expedition for their kids, but what happened to good old-fashioned minivans?

I have to confess my sin, however. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. I drive a Ford Explorer.

The only way I can rationalize it at this point is that my hubby and I are remodeling the house and the Explorer can handle 4x8 sheets of plywood and drywall better than his Saab. Otherwise, I am punished for that damn car everytime I gas up and I am eyeing the Minis.

Crankyboy said...

I'm sold. Bought my Volvo SUV today to go to Best Buy at the mall.

Capt. Fogg said...

Volvo SUV? I hope you have plates that say NCY-BOY.

Of course people sometime need a truck and there is nothing wrong with having a truck if you drive it like a truck, but the industry isn't selling need, it's selling abnormal psychology and appealing to fantasy and ignorance.

An SUV is the car you pay for every time you fill it up.

phinky said...

Be glad the roads in Florida don't get icy. Where I live in Virginia, people in SUVs get overconfident in their vehicles' capabilities and end up causing all sorts of accidents. It happens every time it snows.

Capt. Fogg said...

I've seen LOTSof these things lose it badly on the ice when I had no probalem at all with my 'Vette.

What they have to offer is high ground clearance and that's rarely what you need.