Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Holy cosmology!

NASA is neglecting a technology that could allow us to reach the stars with ease and without all that smoke.  All they have to do is build a tower high enough to touch the “firmament.” We could attach our space stations and satellites there with ordinary hardware.

No, I mean it; the insanity is almost to that point.  We’ve read in the last few weeks that the weather service isn’t allowed to mention the already massively established fact that global temperatures have risen substantially or to mention ozone holes, but now NASA is being told that science itself is too offensive to be given credit by scientists who get government support.  God help us if we offend religious cranks, perverts, liars, charlatans or morons – here or abroad.

The planet doesn’t revolve about the sun, it revolves about their fatuous falsehoods, and they will punish you if you don’t play along.  

The Bush administration continues to sabotage education, research and the dissemination of scientific findings. Recently, George C. Deutsch, a Bush appointee with no scientific education told a designer working on a NASA Web project that the Big Bang was "not proven fact; it is opinion," and thus the word "theory" should be used with every mention of Big Bang.  It was not NASA's place to make a declaration about the origin of the universe "that discounts intelligent design by a creator."

Last week, we read in the New York Times, NASA was told to omit references to stellar evolution and degeneration on the JPL web site, or at least not to tell people that our own star will eventually fail. An e-mail message from Erica Hupp at NASA headquarters to the authors of the original release at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said, "NASA is not in the habit of frightening the public with doom and gloom scenarios."   Not even if the problem is a billion or more years in the future.

Of course we can tell you with certainty that the end times are upon us and God, like Godzilla, will stomp everything flat as the earth and dump the Jews and heretics into a lake of fire. Nothing gloomy about that and of course it’s proven fact because. . . well just because.

1 comment:

Capt. Fogg said...

Actually I'm far more pessimistic than I seem.