If the truth offend thee, file it under non-fiction. The story is true – two male penguins at the Central Park Zoo adopted an abandoned egg and raised it. That apparently common penguin practice sounds much too gay for Missouri so the public libraries of Savannah and St. Joseph in northwest Missouri took the Children’s book And Tango Makes Three which is based on that story, out of the Children’s section and filed it under non-fiction. The librarian explained that this would decrease the chance that reality would "blindside" readers. The Show Me State doesn’t want anyone to show them what they don’t want to hear.
They say that the older you get, the more your face reflects your true nature. Ever look at the “face” of one of those snails they put in fish tanks to eat the algae off the glass? Katherine “show me the money” Harris, Representative from Florida (Republican of course) has yet to affirm that she accepted campaign funds from a defense contractor who prosecutors say illegally funneled thousands of dollars to her campaign in 2004. Mitchell Wade, the former president of MZM Inc., pleaded guilty to bribing U.S. Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham in exchange for assistance in getting $150 million in Defense Department contracts for his company. He also admitted making illegal contributions to Harris, who intends to challenge Senator Bill Nelson’s Senate seat. Duke will be a guest of the State for many years to come, but even though Cunningham got 8 years, I suspect Ms. Harris will remain at large. She claims in fact, that no one has even contacted her regarding the matter. Florida should be renamed the “don’t ask, don’t tell” state.
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