Tuesday, May 16, 2006


“The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war.”

-John F. Kennedy-

One wonders why Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi has told the Democratic Caucus and assured the corporate media that the Democrats will not impeach Bush and Cheney even if they win a majority in Congress. All indications are that there is great national support for impeachment, yet the media and everyone seems afraid of using the word. As I do believe that paranoia is a window into the truth, I have to consider that the NSA spying goes further and deeper than we yet know and that the Feds have something on everyone – including Nancy that can keep them in check. It doesn’t seem that long ago to me that J Edgar Hoover had files that could embarrass and intimidate anyone and it doesn’t seem to me that the Federal Leopard has changed its spots over the decades. Like the monocled Gestapo officer in so many cinema noir movies, they “keep careful records.” Who we talk to, what we read, the addresses we send letters or text messages or faxes or phone calls: they keep careful records and for all we know, our credit card records, our medical records, our internet banking and our electronic payment of tolls on the highway are safely filed away to be used against us. As American citizens we no longer have any guarantee that we won’t be taken away in the dead of night to be held and perhaps tortured in secret forever. Can we trust them with all that information? Are we in such danger from abroad that we need to surrender our birthright to the men in black?

I think it’s more than foolish to assume that NSA data mining has any limits, constitutional or moral and that they are not also keeping careful lists of our e-mails if not also reading them. If Bush is not removed from office by impeachment, we may well have lost any real ability to change the course of our country’s journey into totalitarianism. When Bush assures you he isn’t doing something, you can bet he’s doing it. When he swears he isn’t breaking the law requiring judicial oversight, he’s done it and done it for years. When he said Thursday that "We are not mining or trolling through the personal lives
of millions of Americans" the mining and trolling was going on and as each new revelation of his illegal behavior has been ferreted out and not voluntarily admitted to, we may have yet to find his nose in more private affairs than we imagined.

We have a lot more to be afraid of than we did when Roosevelt told us we had only fear itself to fear and I fear that we’re not half afraid enough of George W. Bush and his team of tyrants and thieves to do something about it.


Crankyboy said...

FDR - The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.

JDR -The only thing we have to fear is getting eaten by an alligator in Florida.

Capt. Fogg said...

Yep, Florida is a real dangerous place. People should stay the hell away.

The real place to go is Illinois - whether you like 25 below or 110 above you'll find weather to suit you and the noise, filth, pollution, corruption, crime and crumbling infrastructure are irresistable.

Do they still put "Land of Stinkin'" on the license plates?