My disbelief is at an end. Faced with another hurricane, I prayed to Zog, a god I created for the purpose. The hurricane turned into a tropical storm and then into a tropical depression and all that was left was a breeze and a short drizzle.
How can I now deny the existence of Zog? Certainly nobody can disprove it after such a miracle, although there will always be heretics and atheists and those who hate Zog because we are as humans forever tainted by the original sin committed by Shirley Jones in 1945, shortly after the world was created – but that’s another story. By the grace of Zog, the merciful and compassionate, the storm has been quieted.
My attention turned from watching the radar and the Weather Channel, I can now get back to important things like watching the end of the world as we know it. It’s one thing to turn aside the wrath of wind and wave and another to turn away the wrath of people who stage Death to Israel rallies in one of the only countries in the world that cherishes freedom enough to allow it. Certainly, were a public demonstration of dissatisfaction with Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or Syria, or Jordan staged in those countries, we would see torture and oppression far in excess of what Israel and its “puppet government” the United States of America have inflicted on those countries. One wonders how likely it is that people will march in the streets of Tehran in protest of Taliban murder and oppression in Afghanistan and one wonders about the strident complaints of victimhood amongst successful middle class Muslims in the US and abroad who owe their survival and prosperity to a society that eschews (for the most part) the oppression, corruption, torture and regressiveness of the places they came from. How often does one see public “death to Saudi Arabia” or “Death to Muslims” rallies in this country, even after Muslim countries kill our citizens for their twisted, hate-filled reasons?
"The torture and murder inflicted on Muslims by Israel and the penetration of the U.S. media by Israeli intelligence" will be the psychodrama in Salt Lake City where perhaps the sympathies of the good folks with harems of 14 year old girls will be on the side of the organizers. Meanwhile the torture and murder of Muslims by Muslims will continue in its ancient course and nobody will have the time to go out in the street to do anything about it, but that’s because, by the lights of such people, Muslims are special by virtue of belief. If it necessitates the death of millions to redress what might by a more rational group be seen as something that can be achieved by other means, kill them all! Why compromise, when you can kill kids? Why be a decent person, a decent government, a decent religion when you can claim to be a victim and have an excuse to kill?
But of course if China, for instance, oppresses some territory, like Tibet, foreign advocates of Tibetan independence seek to end it in some fashion short of murdering thirteen thousand million Chinese. That kind of extremism may or may not be unique to the Islamic world, but it’s a kind of extremism that does not seek to solve problems, but seeks to kill and to kill groups, religions, nations. If Muslims slaughter Muslims; if Shiites dismember Sunni children, maim, torture, slaughter with chemical weapons and oppress – well then, never mind! If Muslims slaughter multitudes of infidels, well then heaven awaits the perpetrators, because as every psychotic jihadist knows, God himself is under attack by Jews, not by psychotic Muslims and have no doubt about it, Islam is under attack – always has been and always will be. If it were not, theocratic governments would have to make peace.
It can only end in one of two ways. Israel will be destroyed, but in the process, millions and millions of Arabs and Persians will die with them, leaving the remaining faithful to find some new outside group to blame, or the world will tire of having to deal with the terrorist attacks and constant calls for death to someone and everyone - and countless Muslims will die.