It’s about Daniel Webster, a drug-addicted Episcopal priest whose wife depends heavily on her mid-day martinis. He has a gay son and a dope dealing daughter. Daniel talks regularly to an “unconventional” Jesus and that’s offensive to those who expect Jesus to act according to their conventions. Webster is a sinner and looks to Jesus for help. Perhaps it’s unconscionable to the Religious right that he would do that rather than purchase his Jesus prepackaged at an authorized local revival meeting along with bigotry and intolerance of others' beliefs they sell.

Students of history can tell you how the Medieval Church was obsessed with finding and killing anyone who “mocked” their rituals and beliefs and now that we are building a post-modern medieval society right here in the USA, we have to keep up that tradition. Their website asks you to contact NBC and protest.
While I support their right to protest, I urge everyone else to defend their right to defend our freedom against this Crusade. I will probably watch the show just because these people oppose it.
If you want to contact NBC and tell them not to cave in to the self-appointed censors, here's the information:
Bob Wright, Chairman
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112
Primary Phone: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-489-7592
E-Mail: Bob Wright
When I first saw the ads for the show I thought, "Oh they're pandering to the 'Christians', I'm not going to watch it." But because of the fuss raised by the AFA and Desperate Housewives jumping the shark with Gabrielle's unwanted pregnancy ending in a non-contoversial way; I think I will watch this show.
Take that AFA! You just got the Book of Daniel another viewer. Watch this show become a hit. LOL
Being banned in Boston used to be a big bonus to publishers. I hope this works out that way too.
If you think the AFA is bad, you should see the Parents Television Council. The shows they pick for obscene content are umm not obscene. This group is responsible for 95% of the obscenity complaints to the FCC. It's like they don't expect people to think for themselves and decide what's obscene.
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