Saturday, December 03, 2005

Doomed to repeat it

I admit it – I’m a pessimist and although some are taking heart that Bush’s poll numbers and trust in his administration are sinking, I think that light at the end of the tunnel is a mirror reflecting our own headlights.

According to a Time Magazine poll, when looking forward to the 2008 election, three-in-five (60%) surveyed by TIME say they would like the next President to be “completely different” from George W. Bush while 36% would like someone similar.  

Bad for the Republicans?  I don’t think so.  If this poll is to be believed and If the last presidential election were being held again today, it would be a dead heat again  with 47% for Bush and 48% for John Kerry. That doesn’t even account for the effects of the inevitable recrudescence of the Republican Slime Machine, Swift Boat Veterans for Slander included.

We don’t learn: we’re not just a nation of idiots, we’re a nation that prefers idiots, prefers to be cheated, prefers war to peace, prefers bigotry to tolerance; authoritarianism to Democracy and safety to morality.  There’s an element of savagery in the human heart but here and now it’s rising to the top as it does time after time and place after place.

It can happen here, it is happening here and we don’t care.  Just give a tax cut to the oil men; give us an army to cheer for and we in our trailers and we in our slums will sleep tonight while visions of sugar plums dance in our heads.

Merry Christmas.


Crankyboy said...

Sounds very Curmudgeon-like. What would you do without blogs and the internet? ("Internets" if your W)

Capt. Fogg said...

What would I do? maybe kick cute little puppies or pull the wings off butterflies or become a Republican.

Crankyboy said...

"What would I do? maybe kick cute little puppies or pull the wings off butterflies or become a Republican."

Isn't that the same thing? On top of bankrupting the country monetarily as well as morally.

Capt. Fogg said...

It is the same thing. These Family Values miscreants are worse than anything Stephen King could invent.