Friday, February 10, 2006

The Prophet

Verily, we warn you of a chastisement close at hand: The day on which a man shall see the deeds which his hands have sent before him; and when the unbeliever shall say, "Oh! would I were dust!"
-surah 78:1-40 'Al Naba' -

“Everyone’s talking about Islam and Muslims” says the voice on the radio. WCEV, an “ethnic” station in Cicero, Illinois broadcasts Radio Islam on 1450 KHz. There are many names for Allah: Ar Rahim, the Merciful; Ar Rahman, the beneficent; Al Aziz, the Mighty and 96 others. There are many faces of Islam and some are not as beautiful as the names of Allah.

We’ve seen the face of outrage caused by a cartoon. We’ve seen the face of wisdom and the face of reason put on for us to see, but there are faces that turn our stomachs and break our hearts; there are faces that make us want to kill. None of them seem to disturb the Islamic public as much as some silly cartoon done by someone outside their world.

There is another face of Radio Islam: covered with running sores and putrescent pustules of hate, lies and demented rage. If the images and lies there offend Muslims, I’ve not seen the evidence. Doubtless there are Muslims who are different and who perhaps are not part of that many headed beast, but they are quiet and their dry protests are hard to hear and harder to find sincerity in.

“Who runs USA?” barks the headline – “The Jews” is the answer and all America’s Leaders are Jews and all the founding fathers of America knew it and hated them as much as we do. Image after image of grotesque, bearded Jews committing loathsome acts are apparently not offensive to the sensibilities that feel murderous outrage at something as silly as a cartoon of a bearded man with a bomb in his turban.

It’s wrong to offend someone’s beliefs, says the Vatican, but to whom is it addressed?

Al Batin is a name of Allah. It means the hidden. Perhaps only the Prophet knows where Allah hides in that vast and boiling sea of murderous anger.

God doesn't read the funnies

"What if it's not a picture of Mohammed - what if it's a picture of a picture of Mohammed? "

Fafblog manages to see the humor in all human idiocy. I wish I could smoke whatever they're smoking - I'm sure I would live longer.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Irshad Manji, a Pakistani Muslim woman, wrote a book called "The Trouble With Islam Today" and she makes exactly the same point. Stop obsessing over the Jews and worry about your own problems.

It is shameful to admit that I have heard that nonsense from a minority of family members and my response each time is that if Jews are so powerful that they control this vast worldwide conspiracy about which Arabs incessantly whine, they are obviously doing something right. If all that is true, perhaps they really are the chosen people.

Capt. Fogg said...

The folks I linked to had quotes from the infamous and thoroughly debunked "protocols" which were originally written to smear Napoleon Bonaparte. Lies never die.

the people who write these things don't care if it's true or not, nor do the people who believe it. It's too much fun and it's too satisfying to have something awful to say about people you don't like for reasons you don't admit.

It's a total debasement of the religion, but really most people use religion to justify the unjustifyable and to make their greed and hatred holy. I think in the end, that if there really is a day of reckoning, it won't be about what you believe at all.

d.K. said...

"It’s wrong to offend someone’s beliefs, says the Vatican, but to whom is it addressed?" Exactly. To whom, indeed. What the hell does this mean? It's another cowardly way for the Vatican to avoid taking a stand on events that really matter.

Capt. Fogg said...

It would be hard to explain their attitude toward heresy if they don't believe in punishing disbelief or alternate beliefs, wouldn't it?

A friend on mine once saud "one man's faith is another man's belly-laugh" and I guess it's true.

To me that argues for humility, but then I'm a heretic.