Sunday, October 02, 2005

Another Red State Sunday

Only in a Red State, so proud of it’s Christian Supremacist Heritage would you find something like Hammerfest 2005, an annual gathering that features white supremacist rock bands held appropriately and rather pathetically at the Georgia Peach Restaurant and Museum, which sits along Georgia 120.  Even if the Police outnumber the participants and the protesters from the NAACP combined, it’s an Only-in-a-Red-State sort of thing.

Not in one of those effete pseudo-intellectual snob States like Massachusetts will you find such festivals, not from those French speaking, Mozart loving, Volvo driving people whose houses hardly ever have wheels and whose only reason for living is to tax poor, white confederates.

But nobody was hurt, at least physically, no supremacists got so supreme they had to be handcuffed and no Black people were lynched or beaten up.

Progress marches on, even in the South.

1 comment:

phinky said...

O.K. now I know where not to eat when I am in Georgia.