Thursday, October 12, 2006

Pick up the cry

Hey now its time for you and me
Got a revolution got to revolution
Come on now were marching to the sea
Got a revolution got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of america

-Jefferson Airplane-

I spent most of today out on the water. Lots of sunshine, a light Summer breeze, gleaming dolphins playing like happy children in the blue water. The last part of the trip to my home on the Intracoastal waterway is a ten mile cruise down the Jupiter Narrows; a mangrove lined stretch through a Federal wildlife preserve teeming with birds, Osprey, Eagle, Herons of all sorts wading in the shallows and screeching like pterodactyls as they fly overhead. You'd think you were travelling up the Amazon and a thousand years ago.

I arrived feeling serene, tranquil and mellow, took a shower, got something to drink, plopped down on the couch and made my biggest mistake of the day. I turned on MSNBC and went from paradise to hell in the blink of an eye.

I doubt I watched it for more than a moment, I don't even remember their names, but the bully boys were bawling like Banshees. A New York Times Reporter, winner of a Pulitzer, had given a speech "bashing Bush." She should be fired - the paper isn't reliable any more - yadayada wah wah wah.

You would think that George W. Bush was the most popular president in history rather than one of the most unpopular. You'd think that freedom of speech was a subversive idea. You'd think it wasn't actually true that George W. Bush has substituted his will for the Constitution, made it impossible to do anything when he breaks the law and caused the deaths of half a million people for reasons beyond reason. You would think that newspapers didn't have the duty to expose criminal behavior or to tell the truth. You'd think that this accursed, misbegotten administration and the party it oozed in on hadn't risen to power with the greatest assault on the Presidency in a hundred years.

My only hope is that I'm seeing the death throes of the monster that ate America because if these traitors, these criminals, these snickering fascist guerillas don't lose and loose heavily in November, only a revolution can save us.

Pick up the cry.

1 comment:

d.K. said...

I will...