Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tell me another one

“I know nothing!”

-Sgt. Hans Georg Schultz -

The question isn’t how many Republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb, or screw a country or screw up an economy. It doesn’t matter; we have enough of them to screw everybody and screw up everything. The question I’m most interested in is: how many irrefutable facts, how much credible testimony, official documents, records and videotapes does it take to force a Republican to admit she’s been lying?

Are they all going to suddenly decide, like Mark Foley caught with his pants down, that they’re alcoholics in need of treatment or are they going to admit that everything they predicted was wrong, all the facts presented in evidence were fabricated and all the denials they have made in denial of all the damning evidence were lies? Yes, of course, I’m being facetious. Rummy and Cheney would simply melt into a hissing puddle before either would confess, Bush’s peanut brain is far too coke ravaged and God besotted to be able to conceive of being in the wrong and Condy? Ah yes, lyin’ little Condoleezza, George Bush’s Sergeant Schultz. She will just keep handing out the lies with those unblinking cobra eyes, like one of those old penny arcade fortune teller machines; without hesitation and with no regard to what was handed out moments before.

So was the Bush administration warned that al Qaeda was about to attack? Did they snub the urgent reports of Richard Clark and George Tenet? Of course they didn’t, even though it can be proved that they did.

How many Republicans do you need to march over a cliff before they admit that the law of gravity isn’t a Liberal Myth? Inquiring minds want to know.


RR said...

I was formulating a blog entry on this very topic.

Even with direct evidence that Condi lied about being briefed by not only CIA, but other officials from the Clinton administration about the seriousness of Al Qaeda -- they still somehow claim plausible deniability.

The shear arrogance of these people is beyond anything imaginged. They truly must believe that if they utter it, it must be true.

d.K. said...

Let's hope it's not they who decide they're suddenly alcoholics in need of treatment - I'd prefer a good judge to determine the proper outcome of these actions. One can dream...

Capt. Fogg said...

You mean "Activist judges?" Gonzolla is already threatening Federal judges who interfere with the President's will in "war time" which is all the time for the war president.

They certainly do feel that their mission makes them above the law and above any ordinary person's sense of ethics or morality.

If this doesn't make them Crusaders I don't know what would.