Glenn McCoy, the cartoonist who appears in the New York Times is an example of such nonsense, but then most everything he publishes is. Can we really compare the brilliant and erudite Obama to Dan Quayle? Yes, if we're so desperate and if we have an audience so deranged that any spurious attack will please them. Yes, that's just what McCoy does once again in his latest graphic excretion.
Yes, Obama's Uncle ( not his grandpa) was in the unit that liberated part of Buchenwald. If I told you that my great grandfather fought at Antietam when it was really Gettysburg would that be a gaffe? Would it mean he never fought in that war? But with a man like McCoy, all's fair in slime and slander and the Republicans are always right.
The other part of McCoy's coy mendacity is the insinuation that the press doesn't report these egregious "gaffes" because they're so biased in favor of Obama. Since the press has been full of this non-story for days while giving a free pass to the most corrupt, incompetent and blatantly criminal administration in our history, that makes McCoy ignorant, dishonest or both. Since he never has spent a moment illustrating the constant stream of lies, inventions and evasions; the gaffes, misstatements and other verbal idiocies of the Bush presidency, bias isn't a concept he should be hurling about -- lest someone stick it up his nose.

The truth is a tenuous shadow compared to what people WANT to believe...
And they want to believe people who don't hate like they do are evil.
In a few months, if we're lucky, most of this crap will be over with for a while.
I hope! If we do elect a Democrat though, I expect a huge tidal wave of slime. These people won't give up easily.
Oh, the slime will be thick and green and everywhere. McCain claims he'll take the high road, and once upon a time, I'd have believed that. But McCain's piling on after Bush's disgraceful jab at Obama before the Knesset gave a crystal clear preview of how low that road will really be.
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