Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Lord's Day

The Rev. Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist in Kansas, contends that American soldiers are being killed in Iraq as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays. The Rev. Fred has been at this game a long time, trying never to miss an opportunity to tell everyone that God hates gays and is punishing all of us for not persecuting them more vigorously. In Fact, according to a publication from Westboro Baptist, Phelps has declared his intention to picket Jerry Falwell’s funeral although Falwell is still very much alive. God will take care of that soon, according to Phelps as Jerry isn’t being active enough in persecuting Gays.

The Reverend Fred is no Jonah. He will not shirk in performing his mission. Without even a rudimentary sense of shame showing through his zeal, he’s been demonstrating at the funerals of fallen soldiers. With the audacity of one who truly believes that God’s righteous, albeit vulgar word emanates from all his orifices, Phelps last Saturday brought his posse to a Smyrna Tennessee funeral of two soldiers killed in Iraq.

Phelps’ church is not affiliated with a larger denomination and is made up mostly of Phelps' children, grandchildren and in-laws. The church members carried signs and shouted things such as "God hates fags" and "God hates you." About 10 church members protested near Smyrna United Methodist Church and nearly 20 stood outside the National Guard Armory in Ashland City.

America is not quite yet dead however, as the families of the deceased and others chased Phelps and Company down the street, chanting “God Bless America,” "get out of our town" and "get out of our country." So many counter-demonstrators turned up that police had to be called to Ashland City to control the situation.

Sometimes I’m still proud to be an American.

1 comment:

Crankyboy said...

Sometimes I’m still proud to be an American.

Don't worry it will pass. Probably right after you read my next posting at The Daily Curmudgeon.