Tuesday, December 27, 2005

It's sacred and holy, God damn it!

I wonder does Boston know why Boston isn’t the cultural center of America? The Boston Boys in Blue closed down Super 88 Market: one of a six store chain of Chinese grocery stores last Sunday – they were already in trouble for remaining open on Thanksgiving this year according to the Boston Herald.

“It’s not a big holiday for Asians,” said the manager, and he’s right. They do close on Chinese New Year, but hey – 9/11 changed everything, didn’t it? Bow down to the Christian supremacist overlords or pay the price. Thanks Fox News!

Funny though, that the same Puritan misfits who gave Boston the Blue Laws, also disliked Christmas, rightly noticing that there was nothing about Dec 25th in the Bible and they banned it in Boston between 1659 and 1681. They would fine you for celebrating it in any other way than according to their wisdom. The Foxes at Fox don’t seem to know, or perhaps they don’t care. The only purpose of the holiday in their shriveled minds is to promote the secular power of their militant pagan form of Christianity and so they have declared that we have declared a war on what, in Jesus’ time on Earth, was the birthday of Mithras. You know Mithras, the guy who was born in a crèche and had 12 apostles?

In his new book The War on Christmas, Fox News host John Gibson argues for a more Christian Christmas, one that includes crèches and carols in public schools and city halls. "Christians are coming to retake their place in the public square, and the most natural battleground in this war is Christmas," he writes. Well, tell it to the Puritans John and preach it to the fatuous Foxophiles who watch your phony tantrums on TV, but December 25th belongs to all of us and I will celebrate or not celebrate as I please. Go Fox yourself, Gibson.


Crankyboy said...

The Curmudgeon already skinned this cat here.

Capt. Fogg said...

I'm afraid that music reflects only bad music. When I want Christian Music, I'll take music written by Christians with talent like J.S.Bach or Handel, thank you. I asked Jesus what he thought and he agrees that it is pretentious, kitschy and brainless crap. Frankly he's a little pissed at being told that such boors and self-important ignoramuses claim to represent him. "Those morons give me a pain in the nail holes. Turn that crap off!" were his words.

By the way - Christ isn't a name, it's a bad greek translation of a title, the meaning of which you understand as little of as you do music. It needs an article in front of it, like "the Christ" or "A" Christ and all it refers to is having had oil pored on the head to signify having inherited the throne, which of course he didn't if his father didn't descend from David - who was also a Christ, as was Solomon, Jeroboam, etc.

Oh enough of this - take your garbage with you and I hope you go deaf listening to it.

Capt. Fogg said...

Sorry, cranky. I'm talking about a different store and a different case - and doing a better job of it, if I may say so.

I've informed PETA about your treatment of cats, by the way.