Saturday, May 06, 2006

The outing of a president

If there is anything that defines George W. Bush it’s the feeling of inadequacy his father’s military experience has always given him. As much as George the elder disliked being called a wimp, which in itself is evidence of wimphood, George the lesser has, like many humiliated people, longed for something surpassingly grand. He tried to fly fighter planes, he tried to be an oil tycoon, but only in that last refuge of a scoundrel could he succeed - with a little help from his friends.

My fear is that this grand thing; this grand role he wishes to play so that all those who called him names in the schoolyard will remember and cringe, may be messiah. Does George W. Bush want to be the tool of God, bringing on the destruction of the world, if not merely the destruction of the wicked? Does he dream of being like Eisenhower, leader of a great world war and hero of his age?

It’s impossible to know and he has refused to answer, after much shuffling and stumbling, questions about his role in Armageddon. He has however revealed that in his lurid and cartoonish imagination, the September 2001 attack was the beginning of something I have always feared to hear from a President: World War Three.

To be sure he was in his interview with CNBC only agreeing with the description of David Beamer, whose son Todd died in the crash of United 93, the eponymous film version of which he has lavishly praised without having seen. This sudden change in usage; from “The War on Terror” to World War III might just be the kind of Freudian “outing” that I have feared.

I think George was not starting a small war to make himself seem like an important “war President;” he is starting a World War as part of a megalomaniacal dream of glory.

Bush the lesser has often used shoddy analogies about appeasers and tyrants. This time I think it’s more appropriate turned against him. Do we let him destroy the world by being polite and respectful to his arrogated authority, or do we act like the chordates we’re supposed to be and show some spine?


d nova said...

right. compens8ing 4 d wimp factor.

RR said...

This is exactly why you don't want "people of faith" in positions of power. They listen to that inner voice -- take it for the "word of god" and go forth and make policy.

Rational people take a moment: "hey, attacking Iraq really isn't a smart thing to do right now...", whereas wing-nuts like our leader just listen to the voice and start barking orders.

I only hope the dems can take the congress in the mid-terms. We need to start some investigations and expose this idiot for who he is.

Odysseus said...

One would be wise to get to know about the reign of Isabella and Ferdinand in 15th century Spain. Bush 2 is much like Ferdinand, but as of yet without the war victories, though it took Ferdinand some time too. He inherited Isabella's power structure through marraige where Bush 2 inherited his family's, and Mr. Negroponte makes a fine grand inquisitor as previews from Central America show. Hell, Bush even has his own pope now in Mr. Ratzinger. Ferdinand saw himself as the hand of God.

The result of Ferdinand and Isabella's reign was expropriation of the assets of the middle class in conjunction with an all powerful church. If not for the discovery of the new world Spain would have collapsed much sooner than it did. Bush 2's new world seems to be Mars.

Capt. Fogg said...

I would be happy to send George to Mars. No matter what the cost, it would be cheaper than keeping him here.