Friday, July 28, 2006

Thy sword and thy shield

"What I can tell you is this. We have on a daily basis had numerous occasions where our position has come under direct or indirect fire from both (Israeli) artillery and aerial bombing. The closest artillery has landed within 2 meters of our position and the closest 1000 lb aerial bomb has landed 100 meters from our patrol base. This has not been deliberate targeting, but rather due to tactical necessity."

"What that means is, in plain English, 'We've got Hezbollah fighters running around in our positions, taking our positions here and then *using us for shields and then engaging the (Israeli Defense Forces),"

These words and more were e-mailed Just last week, by Maj. Hess-von Kruedener, one of the UN observers killed this week by Israeli artillery to CTV, the Canadian Television News service. Of course, and as I have stated repeatedly, belief that Israel deliberately kills innocent people will continue to prosper amongst people who have a political and ethnic reason to believe it. If there could be humor in horror, it would lie in the fact that the notion is used to excuse and defend people whose entire life revolves around killing innocent people – although, of course, they maintain that it’s impossible for even an Israeli infant to be innocent.

Although the official UN position as set forth by Kofi Anan is that there was no Hizbullah activity in the area and the shelling was “apparently deliberate” Kruedener reported before his death that the post gave the observers a view of "Hezbollah *static positions in and around our patrol Base."

Writing in the Ottawa Citizen yesterday, Maj.-Gen. MacKenzie, who was the first UN commander in Sarajevo during the Bosnian civil war, said it’s a tactic he's seen in past international missions: Aside from snuggling up to UN posts, fighters would operate near hospitals, mosques and orphanages in order to maximize civilian casualties. This of course, is not the opinion of one man, killing innocents to make your enemy look bad defines the tactics of terrorist groups almost universally. The only thing that is more disgusting than such inhuman slaughter is that the ploy works so well in generating support for the two legged vermin who use it.

*italics mine


Crankyboy said...

You stole my blog topic today. I should have posted earlier.

d nova said...

like no 2 blogs ever cover same thing.

this topic deserves all the discussion it can get.

Capt. Fogg said...

Unfortunately we can discuss it forever and it won't matter. Minds have long since been made up and Hizbullah has achieved what it set out to do - deflect the onus on to Israel.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Minds are made up for finding justifications for everything Israel does.

Capt. Fogg said...

I'm sorry you see it that way, I really am, but Hizbullah has done what it set out to do: radicalize the moderates and radicalize the Palestinians who were considering accepting an independent state within the 1967 borders. No one is on the fence any more. The conflict has now been made to appear as a war by the Arab world against Israel and vice versa. It isn't; it's a war orchestrated by the region's radical forces - Hamas and Islamic Jihad among the Palestinians, Hizbullah in Lebanon, Syria and Iran - that abhor the concept of any settlement with Israel short of it's complete destruction. They aren't hiding this fact. It's no secret that this is all part of a long range plan for control of Lebanon and Palestine by Syria and a plan for empire by Iran. The outcome is exactly what the outcome was planned to be and I think Lebanon was martyred for the sake of the will to power. If it had not happened when it did, provocation would have continued and ramped up continually until eveyone's choices were even fewer.

So I think it's horrible that this has all happened, but I am sure as sure can be that it happened just as Syria and it's hellhounds, Hizbullah wanted it to happen. If they had not wanted it, it would not have happened and I suspect that you're as likely to overlook that as I am to overlook the targeting errors of some tank commander.

Anyway, if you can't believe what the UN observer said about the situation that killed him, then perhaps your mind is closed, and I can't be making any sense to you. If you think that this is all about ignoring the faults and excesses of Israel and lack of concern for the innocent dead in Lebanon, then you're not listening.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Funny - we have entirely different opinions about the geopolitical strategy of what is going on. I think the US is using Israel to bait Iran into a war the US doesn't have the money or the guts to fight. And it is the poor Israelis and Arabs who are going to suffer for it.

Why would Syria support religious nuts? Syria is one of the most secular nations in the region and recently slaughtered a group of religious nuts who opposed the government. The idea that Syria would support the same people who would kill its president makes no sense.

You give the religious nuts in the region way more credit than they deserve.

Capt. Fogg said...

Why? Because they want to use them to do a job they can't get away with doing themselves. Religious nuts are a useful tool. Dangerous, but useful.

Why do the Republicans stir up the religious nuts here? I don't think Cheney or Rumsfeld are Christians.

Regardless of what Israel does, you've always got a self-sustaining group of sociopathic killers willing to kill any infidel they are told threatens uniformity of belief. Why should Syria get it's hands dirty when they can give weapons to the nuts and not only have the job done for them, but have the job justified with those who might otherwise be enemies?