Monday, October 09, 2006

Korea Schmorea

George W. pulled Bandar aside.

"Bandar, I guess you're the best asshole who knows about the world. Explain to me one thing."

"Governor, what is it?"

"Why should I care about North Korea?"

Bandar said he didn't really know. It was one of the few countries that he did not work on for King Fahd.

"I get these briefings on all parts of the world," Bush said, "and everybody is talking to me about North Korea."

"I'll tell you what, Governor," Bandar said. "One reason should make you care about North Korea."

"All right, smart alek," Bush said, "tell me."

No, it’s not from Saturday Night Live, it’s not from The Onion, it’s from State of Denial, Bob Woodward’s new book and it gets worse. This is the genius who planned a war in Iraq and never heard of Sunnis and Shiites never read a book about it, not even his father’s which predicted exactly what would happen and what has happened in Iraq.

This is the Genius who thought Kosovo was populated by “Kosovians.” This is the nitwit with his finger on the button that other nitwits support because he talks tough and because, like real tough guys from Texas, he doesn’t care about what foreigners do.

It’s too late to undo the damage George W. Bush has done to the economy and to our system of government and to the world’s security. It’s too late and we have two more years of this blubbering idiot to crack dirty jokes about why he should care about Korea. But that’s OK, just keep chanting Michael Moore, Jane Fonda, Ted Kennedy and Hillary. Just keep on stayin’ that course - and never mind that mushroom cloud.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gah. "Kosovians."

Despite his aristocratic upbringing, this President is fit only to milk cows at his Crawford estate.

Of course, he'd probably fail at that too--he'd let Foley molest them.