Monday, August 15, 2005

By George, he's got it!

I know it happened last Saturday, but it took me all this time to gather my wits well enough to comment. Bush admitted he was wrong.

OK, well he didn’t actually admit it and being able to call it an admission at all depends on the definitions of admit and wrong and possibly is and was. What George said, in his smirking, grimacing, sneering, condescending way, was that as concerns our policy toward Iran and its nuclear build-up, force was the policy of last resort. On a broadcast over Israeli Television on August 13th, Bush, taking a break from his exercise regimen and brush cutting, responded to questions as to the use of force to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

“The use of force is the last option for any president and you know, we've used force in the recent past to secure our country."

Yes, we know.

So if force as the President said, is the last option for any President, using it as the first option is ipso facto wrong and by his definition an admission of error. Of course the admission, if it is that and not just another one of Bush’s logic lapses, contains a lie. You didn’t think he could say anything without lying, did you? He lies by continuing to lubricate his invasion of Iraq by telling everyone it was done to “secure our country.”

Now, again, that it’s a lie depends on some definitions. I’m sure that in his mind, saving his failing Presidency and assuring a second term was indeed done in the name of national security. So it’s all pretty simple, he can admit he was wrong but can prove he didn’t admit it because the lie was supported by another lie. Get it? Keep trying – it’s kinda like Zen. You can’t explain it with words.

No wonder he sneers at us all the time – we’re just too dumb to understand him.

By The Way

Have you read the August 13th item in Silent Cacophony about the Clinton Hate Museum? I’ve been blowing the fogghorn for years about the religious aspect of Clintonhate: not that it is supported by religion, but that it is a religion. As such it has no need for verifiable facts and won’t recognize contradictions in its credos.

You believe Clinton is the evil one, because you believe. Clinton’s little lie will always outweigh Nixon’s or Reagan’s or the great Meisterlügner W’s lies and anyone who doesn’t agree is the Infidel, to be despised and persecuted.

I hope they build the thing, this Church of Clintonhate, if only as a monument to human stupidity. I hope it lasts longer than our civilization and that some archaeologist poet of the future finds the ruins in the desert and reads the inscription “I am Rove, King of Kings. Look upon my works ye mighty and despair (and Clinton lied)”

My apologies to Shelly


Crankyboy said...

You need a pipe an elbow patched jacket and tenure at a northeastern university.

Capt. Fogg said...

I need a bigger boat and an eyepatch.
