Thursday, August 25, 2005

Meanwhile, back at the ranch. . . . .

Is the best defense a good offense? Maybe, but not always. Sometimes the best choice is to pretend ignorance – at least according to the Bushies. I’ll bet you’ve made little changes in your life to adjust to the price of fuel as most of us have. My boat isn’t getting a lot of use and the $300 or so it takes for a day’s outing is part of the reason. The AAAARRRRHH you hear around the marina has little to do with pirates, unless you consider that metal thing with the hose coming out of it to be one.

People wonder why Bush himself hasn’t made some adjustments – just for the sake of seeming to be like the man of the people he pretends to be. Of course we pick up the tab for his fleet of gas guzzlers – and for everything else he does, but to his handlers any admission that we are not living in an American Paradise where gross and endless excess is only an appetizer, is anathema.

A while back when Cheney was asked why there was no program to reduce dependence on foreign oil by controlling demand, he replied “It’s not the American way.” His prophecy is continuously self-fulfilled. Any admission of anything less than perfect conditions led by perfect wisdom will not be made, nor will any lesson from history be tolerated.

Whether it’s a Peter Pan sort of a thing, or stupidity or just a smokescreen to allow them to steal as much as possible until we throw them out, remains to be seen. But while you’re waiting to see, I will be putting up the hurricane shutters and gassing up the generators and hoping for the best, ‘cause it’s hurricane time down in Florida once again.


Crankyboy said...

It doesn't change from high school when class presidents ran on less homework more candy and pop machines platforms. People like to get lied to and fooled. Somehow it didn't work on my prom dates.

d.K. said...

Part of me believes that because of the bubble in which Mr. Bush lives and the yes-men (and woman) with whom he surrounds himself, he quite possibly doesn't know that all is not well in the land of milk and honey. But I can't extend that suspension of reality to the deceptively avuncular Mr. Cheney. He knows exactly what is going on, and is no doubt delighted by it. Halliburton has probably never seen current profits and futures looking so good. Yes, Mr. Cheney is very pleased, because the people who matter are very happy.

Good luck with the approaching storm - let's hope Mr. Robertson uses some of his influence to have it change course and remain at sea.

Anonymous said...

Another excellent, well thought out, direct post. You mention that they "steal as much as possible until we throw them out" and I find myself frustrated. But the truth is we wont "throw them out". What we'll do is allow the process to run its course and deal with the repercussions of these last two terms for who knows how long. Thats what reasonbable people do. Makes me wonder how bad things have to get before people really do something drastic.

Capt. Fogg said...

This is not a reasonable country. Maybe it never was, but I don't think there's ever been such a massive scientific program to get people into a state where they cannot reason and cannot spot fake reasoning.

At one time, such corruption would have unseated a President - look at what they tried to do to Clinton for such a minor thing. Yet it's very different now, isn't it?