Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Only in Amerika

Only in Bush’s America that is, would a high school student become an enemy combatant for putting a picture of George W. Bush on a bulletin board with a thumbtack. No, I’m not joking. According to Raw Story, Selina Jarvis, the chair of the social studies department at Currituck County High School in North Carolina gave her students an assignment “to take photographs to illustrate their rights in the Bill of Rights.” One student took a magazine photo of Bush, tacked it up and photographed it with his hand in the thumbs down position and sent it off to Wal-Mart to be developed as a poster.

Nothing would have happened if this had been a free country, but it isn’t and yesterday, the Secret Service came and took the poster away. Jarvis was told that the poster “would be interpreted by the U.S. attorney, who would decide whether the student could be indicted.”

Thus ends our lesson on the Bill of Rights. Unfortunately thus also ends our Bill of Rights.

This story continues to develop, but I have to go now – there’s a knock on the door. . . .


Crankyboy said...

And it only gets worse. We do live in a police state. I guess all the right-wing loons complaining about about jack booted thugs were right - only that they are the thugs. Sickening.

Anonymous said...


phinky said...

I think her mistake was sending it to WalMart. I bet if she spent a little more money and went to Snapfish, or Motophoto, she wouldn't had this problem. WalMart only believe in free speech, unions and sex toys for Canadians, not Americans.

Capt. Fogg said...

As if I needed another reason to boycott Wal-Mart!