Sunday, October 09, 2005

Poor little Bush

There’s always that 40%. A letter in my hometown paper today insists that criticism of Bush is a “carefully orchestrated conspiracy” because there are so many criticisms of the same failings and that Bush has remained above the criticism by “turning the other cheek.” It’s amazing what fiction they will produce and what fact they will ignore to maintain the faith. Have you seen one instance of Bush having failed to punish critics? There seems to be much information that it’s in fact dangerous to contradict the president within earshot and hazardous to one’s career to point out to him that although he has a birthday party to go to, people in America are drowning.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

--Theodore Roosevelt, 1918—



d.K. said...

It's amazing how cult prone people can become. I remember watching the RNC convention in '88 and seeing the wide, glazed-over, crazy looks that many of the crowd had when Pat Robertson spoke... Very scary stuff.

Anonymous said...

You can't see the emperor's clothes? Me neither.

Capt. Fogg said...

Pat Robertson scares me - the man is a thief and has been caught stealing huge amounts of money donated for humanitarian relief and has business relationships with sadistic tyrants - yet he was back on TV with Wolf Blitzer this morning acting like Man-O-God all over again.

What hold does he have on the media that he can get away with this stuff? Do you think if I carry a Bible around I can get away with robbing banks?

Crankyboy said...

Are we apart of the conspiracy? If so I need the schedule for meetings.

phinky said...

"Bush has remained above the criticism by “turning the other cheek.'"

Tell that to Joe and Valerie Wilson.
If Clinton or Gore did half the imcompent, stupid things that George W. Bush did; we'd have a third impeachment.

Capt. Fogg said...

Impeachment - I love the sound of that word.