Who do you think of when you hear "Wicked Witch?" Perhaps you recall the green lady from the Wizard of Oz, but for me it's Michelle Malkin. It takes a certain kind of nut job to see Jesus in bird droppings and really believe it, but to assert that Rachel Ray is secretly supporting international terrorism because she wore a paisley scarf in a Dunkin' Donuts commercial, takes Michelle from Hell.
We're clueless, says she. We (liberals?) are clueless that the Kaffiyeh is the symbol of Palestinian terrorists and even though Rachel is a woman and women don't wear these things; even though she wears it around her neck and not on her head and even though in fact it's a paisley scarf given to her by the producers, that's enough of an argument for the Mad Miss Malkin to expand into a tirade against:
"ignorant (and not-so-ignorant) fashion designers, celebrities, and left-wing icons."We all know that Left Wing Icons, like Gays and Hollywood celebrities all support violence and terrorism - especially against Israel.
I think I need a scarf to keep my jaw from hitting the floor.
Back in the late 60's I had a Mao hat and little red book that I used to poke fun at the "conservatives" who accused anyone who opposed the war in Viet Nam of being an International Communist conspirator. I think perhaps it's time for me to don a Kaffiyeh myself.
Call me Ismail.
I have a Che Guevara t-shirt I bought in Ecuador, because I think it's cool (though I have NO respect for the real Che). Does that make me a "commie?" LOL
Of course it does!
Ismael al-Kharrat
Michelle Malkin is so desperate to be relevant these days, she has to steal Rachel Ray's spotlight. Quite pathetic.
Pathetic yes, but without the qualities that might make me feel sorry for her and her racist friends.
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