Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Hammer and the Anvil

The license plates say “Sunshine State” but it’s also known as God’s Anvil. Even though hurricanes come ashore all over the Caribbean coast and the eastern seaboard, one tends to associate them with Florida. Perhaps this is the legacy of the cluster of strong storms that blasted Miami and south Florida in the 1930’s shutting down the land boom, but the last year has been as bad in terms of the number of storms.

My little corner of Paradise is about to take another hit. Wilma is scheduled to visit on Monday morning to undo all the careful, meticulous work I’ve done the last year which just now had my garden back to near Edenic status, giving forth pineapples, bananas, loquats, orchids and exotic flowers of all sorts. By Monday night it will be gone and Hobe Sound will have had more hurricanes in the last 13 months than it’s had during the entire 20th century.

It’s enough to make one a believer. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not about to be born again and I don’t think the universe was created by an old man in a bedsheet; I’m starting to believe in Thor. My universe is ruled by a giant with steamy, hot bad breath and a huge hammer. He has many names, but it’s Thor and I’m about to be hammered again, Thor be praised.

The storms this year are the result of a nation that has turned away from Thor and Thor isn’t taking it lightly. I think we must repent before it’s too late. I think we have to put Thor back in Thursday and we need, each one of us, to make Thor out personal blacksmith.

So I’ve put up the steel shutters, put away the patio furniture, gassed up the generators and filled up the fridge. My boat, Doris is in dry-dock and I’m ready.
I will be off-line of course as the internet connection will go down so by the grace of Thor I will be back in a week or so and Thor be praised, gloat aver the coming indictments and Republican scandals. Seeya then and

Hail Thor!


Crankyboy said...

While Fogg is down come to my site!

Capt. Fogg said...

New research shows that reading the Curmudgeon leads to Scrofula, shingles and other painful, unsightly skin diseases.

Fogg will return

phinky said...

I thought you were going to become a true believer in Global Warming. All hail the goddess of Global Warming. We must feed her CO2. Oh wait a minute, that just makes her angrier.
Oh well, all hail Thor.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Fogg - be safe!

d.K. said...

Hope you didn't get too messed up with the storm. It's getting soooo old, I'm actually welcoming November.

BTW, the Norwegian in me is happy to hear that you're giving Thor some credit... :)

Capt. Fogg said...

I believe in things I can see - When Thor talks, I listen.