Thursday, September 22, 2005


Art isn’t dead, even if the “isms” it leans on have been beaten to death and even if some of the people who like to wrap it in convoluted academic jargon have taken so many art theory courses that they can no longer see a difference between what is art and what looks like art. The notion we’ve been given since the Pop Art era that anything can be art has a hard time standing on its own two feet – or any other number of feet, if you’re a surrealist. The weakness of the idea is that as an academic theory it spawns art that serves only to substantiate that art is anything.

What is art has never been an interesting question for me anyway. I’m more concerned with what is worth looking at, worth owning or worth preserving. So when I look at a 200 foot long pink, knitted rabbit draped on an Italian mountaintop and designed as the perpetrators say, to remain there for 20 years, my only thought is to be thankful that I don’t live near that mountain and have to look at what is soon to be a filthy, sodden, foul smelling, fungus encrusted health hazard. Some Viennese group calling themselves Gelatin designed it and group member Wolfgang Gantner said: "It's supposed to make you feel small, like Gulliver. You walk around it and you can't help but smile." Maybe it’s just the altitude Wolfie.


Anonymous said...

I saw this article prior to reading about it here and it pissed me off so much! This is the most stupid human endeavor in art since The Gates. Couldn't there have maybe been some blankets made from all this cloth and wool? Aren't people cold somewhere?

What a waste.

Capt. Fogg said...

Oh I don't know, Ive seen some pretty stupid endeavors. The sad thing is that it makes people forget that there are still artists with something to offer other than shock. Sometimes I think nothing good has a chance in this flood of garbage art, garbage music, garbage news, garbage entertainment. . . .

Crankyboy said...

Art is dead. Blogs are the future.

Capt. Fogg said...

The future of what?

d.K. said...

I wonder if Crankyboy still thinks art died after the Renaissance. If so, he hasn't seen this pink rabbit, obviously.

Capt. Fogg said...

It didn't die, but I would say it might be drinking too much. Pink Rabbits sound like the DT's to me.