Thursday, September 22, 2005

Non Sequitur of the day

"My son's a Marine! Go home, Cindy!" yelled Kathy Woods of Simi Valley, Calif., at Cindy Sheehan at Washington's Lafayette Park today. Woods said she has spent weeks quietly simmering over Sheehan's mission. Woods's son is stationed in Hawaii and has not served in Iraq.

"She doesn't speak for me," said Woods, a tourist, who added that she thought Sheehan was a publicity seeker.

Of course publicity is precisely what Sheehan is seeking; publicity for a movement seeking to know why so many have had to die for a lie. Woods evidently is proud that she doesn't care why her son may have to die too. But hey, it's still sort of a free country and if she wants to brag that she, unlike Cindy is quite content to have her son blown limb from limb without any particular reason other than being a Marine, it's her right. Of course she may be convinced that her son will stay in Hawaii and someone else's son or daughter or husband or wife will die for no particular reason - in which case, never mind.


Crankyboy said...

If I join can I be stationed in Hawaii forever?

Anonymous said...

Yes, of course.
At least...yes, until you actually sign.
Then no.

d.K. said...

I wonder why Mrs. Woods thinks Cindy Sheehan shouldn't be in LaFayette Park? Go home? What exactly does she think her son is protecting, I wonder. She's a complete fool. Agree or not, we can still express our opinions in public places in this country, last time I looked. And there's no crime against being an idiot either, or else Kathy Woods would be in jail right now. Sheesh.

Capt. Fogg said...

Her sort was well represented in the 60's. Perhaps more so than today. Why anyone thinks it dishonors a soldier to think that his life has been wasted I don't know. Perhaps if they believe the war is doing good in the world it will come true, but who knows?