Wednesday, September 28, 2005

No one's gettin' fat but Halliburton

Juan Ponce de Leon wasted a lot of time looking for a fountain of youth in Florida. You don’t have to look long or hard to find a fountain of sleaze. Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo gives the high points of yesterday’s Washington Post story about how Florida’s latter day Ponce, Senator Mel Martinez organized a "Katrina Reconstruction Summit," at the Senate Office Building, sponsored by – you guessed it – Halliburton. Some 200 lobbyists, corporate representatives and government staffers lined up like pigs at the trough to get advice on "opportunities for private sector involvement."
As today's Dunesbury says: "There's no business like no-bid ness."

Mardi Gras in New Orleans next year may be a subdued event, but someone will be getting fat – I guarantee.


Crankyboy said...

Doonesbury. Unless Dunesbury is a new cartoon strip.

Crankyboy said...

I just got a no bid contract to pray for the survivors. I'm rich!