Thursday, September 08, 2005

What's not to hate?

Just having finished an article at titled All the Hate You Can Gag Down, wherein the author expresses puzzlement at the amount of hate coming from Democrats these days, I can hardly gag down my own anger.

With hundreds of replies from both sides of sanity, it seems futile to respond, yet for anyone who cannot understand why there should be more hate directed against this administration and the Ruling Party than there was directed against Bill Clinton, I feel I have to say something.

First of all, no one can establish the assertion to my satisfaction. As far as I know, there has never been such a concerted effort to enrage the public against the Government as I saw during the Clinton years and nobody has yet sought to impeach George Bush, but the real point the writer fails to address is that Clinton did not trash the economy, waste untold billions through corruption and gifts to his friends. Clinton did not tell huge lies about false dangers and get us into an endless war, Clinton did not refuse to listen to reports about Al Qaeda and Clinton did not cripple the agencies that keep our harbors and waterways safe. Clinton did not allow relief funds to be misappropriated, Clinton did not attempt to undermine the constitution as a gift to wealthy bigots calling themselves religious leaders, nor did he carry on a program of retribution against anyone who spoke against him or failed to corroborate his lies.

You'’re damn right we're mad, and you Republican bastards can look shocked and dismayed all you want, You've’ brought this country to the brink of ruination and into the swamp of shame and I hate you for it.

I'’ve already talked about the diversion of Hurricane Relief funds last year, but an Associated Press report today shows how this is a pattern set back in 2001, when this country'’s outpouring of aid for 9/11 relief was also diverted, wasted and stolen by the Administration whose supporters are so shocked that anyone hates them for their negligence, cupidity and dishonesty.

Read it and weep, if you have any tears left.

Afternoon Update

According to the New York Times today, the brush cutter in chief will declare Sept. 16th a day of prayer and remembrance. Once again there is an effort to distract from the reality of what happened and the need to make sacrifices to do something about it by calling for mourning and mewling and wailing and sobbing and wallowing in hypocritical pity.

What about a day of paying the piper, what about a day of honesty and fiscal responsibility and social conscience? What about a day of reckoning?

Cheney finds that turnabout is fair play

Remember when Cheney said "Go fuck yourself" to congress? Must have been a long delayed echo today because Vice President Dick Cheney, in Gulfport, Mississippi on a tour of the Katrina hurricane zone, was told to "go fuck yourself" twice on live television. A better man might have laughed it off, a better man still might have engaged the man in a conversation. A stinking pile of excrement posing as a human being did try to insinuate that the heckler was inspired by John Kerry. Read all about it at The Raw Story

There are times when you have to stand up and be heard, so here it is: go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney.


d.K. said...

What about a day of paying the piper, what about a day of honesty and fiscal responsibility and social conscience? What about a day of reckoning?

Great minds... You said it a bit better than I did, though.

You're right, of course, about the degree of hatred directed towards Clinton being unsurpassed. I don't know of anyone who has devoted his life and personal savings to the cause of the destruction of Bush - the Clinton hating club was enormous, and of course, they're still at it.

And Clinton didn't bounce trillions of dollars in checks that his grandchildren will pay off some day. The same cannot be said of Bush by anyone, even that 40% of Americans who will never admit that his presidency has been a catastophe for this country in so many ways and on so many levels. These are the indisputable facts - but facts have ceased to be of relevance in the debate.

Capt. Fogg said...

Thanks - but it shouldn't have to take a great mind (such as we have) to figure out we're being lied to and stolen from.

Crankyboy said...

I'm suing Capt. Fogg - he's reading my mind and posting my thoughts before I do.

phinky said...

Bravo, well said. BTW the way, I have called for Bush's impeachment. It's also nice to see democrats finally finding their spines.