Many of us know that Rummy was once president of the Searle Corporation and once upon a time, Searle had a product that tasted sweet and was called Aspartame. Because they wanted to bring sweetness to the world, they needed to get FDA approval. The problem was that the FDA had conducted tests that showed an unacceptable level of problems in animal testing; problems like brain tumors.
In fact Aspartame had been discovered accidentally when a researcher back in 1965 got some new ulcer drug on his fingers and found that it was finger lickin’ good. Of course years of testing are required and although tests showed that aspartame produced microscopic holes and tumors in the brains of experimental mice, epileptic seizures in monkeys, and was converted by animals into dangerous substances, including formaldehyde, the possibility of profit was huge.Of course the FDA being what it is approved it anyway as a dry food additive in 1974. The test results however were public and when other researchers saw the results, the FDA had to ask Searle to refrain from selling it until a public board of inquiry ran more tests. Preparatory to this, the FDA got around to inspecting Searle’s labs in
Good thing for Searle it was
Then came the Reagan Renaissance. Donald Rumsfeld (former congressman from
According to data released in 1995, human brain tumors like those in the animal studies rose 10% and previously benign tumors turned virulent. Searle and FDA's deputy commissioner said the data posed no problem. Two years later this same FDA official became vice president of clinical research for Searle. Out of some 400 studies on brain tumors and Aspartame, only those paid for by Searle showed no significant problems.
So where’s the scary part of the story? Don Rumsfeld sold us a war and never told us about the side effects.
I had never heard any of this. My naive, insular little world is literally crumbling around me. It's hard for me to believe things like this happen in America. Whenever I hear of conspiracy theories, I always say that "the government is too inept to pull anything off like that." Now I wonder.
There are worse stories about the Bush family, but I can only deal with som much of this at a time.
Jesus! I guess I was like DK - always thought that incompetence trumped conspiracy....but hell, this is nuts!
What's nuts is that Americans don't care. All the information is out there, but we've either been trained to dismiss it as "Liberal" or we secretly identify with the crooks and hope to become one of them.
Didja hear the one about Prescott Bush and Hitler?
Can I be president of Searle for a bit?
You can't get to the top without paying your dues - you have to spend years torturing small animals and stealing lunch money from kids.
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