Thursday, September 22, 2005

Tough choices

It’s fascinating to read the list of proposed budget cuts by the Republican Study Committee just released. I haven’t had time to wade through all of it, but when I saw the section about ending corporate welfare, my heart skipped a beat.  Then I read the details.  No, it’s not about handing out huge no-bid contracts and tax breaks to fabulously profitable corporations; it’s about cutting things like Renewable energy research, clean coal technology research, the program to develop alternative energy automobiles, etc.  

“Now is the time for us to begin to make the tough choices,” RSC Chairman Mike Pence (Ind.) says.  These are tough guys, beyond a doubt.

Citing the introduction of fuel cell hybrids by Toyota and Honda as a reason to stop research in this country is a stunning example of Republican genius – after all what interest do we have in competing with Japan?  Again, we’re told there is no further need to research methods of cleaning up emissions from coal burning power plants because GE is running TV commercials advertising their advances in clean air technology.

I could go on, but the tears in my eyes are making it hard to see. See a copy of the document at Raw Story and join me in sorrow.

1 comment:

Capt. Fogg said...

No, Sorry, but it's still there on the Raw Story site.