Thursday, July 13, 2006

A pig and the son of a pig

"No one deserves to rule Iraq other than Islamists,"

said the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Mahmoud al-Mashhadani after a Parliament meeting Thursday. According to an AP story today, all the kidnappings, indiscriminate killings, the beheadings are not the work of Iraqis at all. This according to a man for whose job 10,000 Americans have been killed or seriously wounded.

"These acts are not the work of Iraqis. I am sure that he who does this is a Jew and the son of a Jew."

For my own part and fitting that description, I would suggest to Mr. Mashhadani that this might be the proper time for him to blow himself to bits and I would be happy to light the fuse for him and any other foul and faith based piece of human garbage like him. May there be a hell for him to rot in and may ten thousand Jews piss on his ashes.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

Dude, why is the whole world being taken over by religious nuts?

Capt. Fogg said...

Scary, isn't it? The RNs have been running the world for a long time. I've often said that it's the true oldest profession, but they feel power is being taken away and they're fighting for their lives against the evils of reason, science and common decency.

It really does feel like another one of those times when the world goes mad - at least the Western world. That's another reason for me to believe the future lies in East Asia.

I have very bad feelings about all of this.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I would have no problem with them killing each other if innocent, rational people didn't get caught in the cross-fire.

Capt. Fogg said...

Innocent people need to die so that enough irrational rage and religious/nationalist fervor can make people do insane and inhuman things. It rallys the troops.

Why do you think they hate secular humanism so much? Who would do such horrible things if God weren't on their side?