Monday, July 03, 2006

Zarqawi's phone

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s death may raise more problems for the Bush administration than it solves.  Although it gave Bush a bit of a bounce with the morons who still support his Kampf,  numbers found on his cell phone may indicate that he had friends or perhaps supporters amongst senior officials in the new US supported Iraqi government according to CNN this morning.

That might lead the skeptical enquirer to question whether the major hindrance to a new birth of freedom in Iraq is Americans with long hair and enquiring minds or corrupt and anti-US members of the Iraqi government.

Of course to question any of the proclamations of Big Brother Bush borders on treason under the definitions used by the Bush Reich, but I’ll run the risk for the moment and predict that the utopian scheme of producing a Western secular liberal republic in Iraq is a million to one long shot.  I will run a bigger risk by saying that this goal is a sham and that the Bush administration wants and needs a prolonged war in order to further its tyrannical goals.

If this is my last post, you’ll know why.


Ron Franscell said...

From blogger Ron Franscell at

So abu Musab al Zarqawi's cell phone contained the telephone numbers of high-ranking Iraq government officials. What was he calling them about ... bad trash pickup and late delivery of his newspaper?

So, our own government is monitoring OUR phone calls, but the top terrorist scumbag in Iraq apparently can call bureaucrats and politicians -- and maybe order pizza and beer -- without ever being noticed. Did anybody think to monitor phone calls in Iraq ... or might that have been too invasive?

Capt. Fogg said...

And nothing seems to have turned up after years of spying and torturing prisoners - it's as if they didn't want to find anything. . .

Crankyboy said...

What kind of phone was it? Motorola? Nokia? Samsung? I need to know the latest trends.

Capt. Fogg said...

I understand it was a camera phone and contained pictures of Don Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and Ann Coulter.