Saturday, April 29, 2006

Nuestro Himno

So the man who goes about tossing off the word Freedom the way Tinkerbelle spreads pixie dust, says we’re not free to sing the national anthem in Spanish. It’s important, says the nitwit in chief, that we not lose our “national soul.”

Try as I might, I have no concept of what a national soul might be particularly if one sees a soul as something permanent. Our national consciousness has changed markedly since we first called this collection of colonies a nation. The Historian Bush however, seems not troubled at all with delving into the national psyche as it has evolved. He’s a simple man whose opinions have the firmness only ignorance can provide and when he says soul, he means language. He means that he’s afraid that this notoriously monolingual country may be what it has always been: a country where many languages are spoken to the chagrin of those who barely speak one.

"One of the great things about America is that we've been able to take people from all walks of life bound as one nation under God. And that's the challenge ahead of us."

Indeed – we took many of them bound in chains and used God to teach them submission, but even so, that “Nation under God” pretension didn’t arrive on the Mayflower. As most of us know and all of us as old as I am know, it was Dwight Eisenhower’s mid 1950's gift to the religious right who were afraid of losing their gravy train to the Communists. In 1954, George was still a spoiled 8 year old brat from Connecticut soon to grow into a spoiled, alcoholic coke user from Texas who hasn’t been able to think too clearly ever since.

From the beginning, God was used to deprive Americans of their rights, particularly as concerns liberty and the pursuit of happiness and of course God is still here to tell us just whom to persecute. There are few other factors that divide this nation against itself more than God and George is here to tell you, God wants us not only to speak English, but insists that we not translate that mediocre bit of “star spangled” patriotic fluff into any inferior languages that God does not like. It's going to take more that some skinhead anglo supremacist fascist twit like George W. Bush to take my freedom away from me and you can sing that in any language you like.


RR said...

Great post… I’ve been absent from your blog for too long.

I was just “battling” with some right-wing bloggers on this issue (jarheadjohn’s blog)… Singing the national anthem in Spanish is such a non-issue I’m even surprised the ditto-heads are up in arms about it.

What wing-nuts worry about is so incredibly inane.

Odysseus said...

Amen, brother. God bless the part of America that is north of Mexico and south of Canada only. The rest of America can go to hell.

Capt. Fogg said...

I'm convinced it's as much of a smokescreen as the "war on Christmas" What it means is that the Ridiculous Right is scared and once again they're rousing the rednecks over some BS while not noticing that they're stomping publicly on freedom of speech.

It's a sign of progress.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Trivial pursuit anyone?