Friday, April 28, 2006

The roadbastard rolls again

Dennis Hastert – it’s all about integrity! said the huge billboard looming over the I-295 near Chicago.  That was back when the cries of “adulterer” were still echoing like cosmic background radiation and all the news still revolved about Monica.  The irony of the chronic adulterer Hastert  climbing out of a married woman’s bed and claiming virtue was largely unnoticed and unremarked upon by the media.

I hope things are changing a bit.  Of course Hastert is probably too ugly to be able to indulge in such pastimes any more and too likely to suffer a stroke or coronary “event” as a result of his obesity, but he’s still a phony and a fake; a hypocrite, glutton and Republican, if you’ll pardon the tautology.

The media have been covering Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert’s vehicular switcheroo today.  After leaving a news conference and photo opportunity at a Washington, DC gas station where he posed as a friend to green technology, he drove around the block, ditched his pollution free hydrogen powered car and getting back into the huge, black, unwieldy, gashog luxotruck he uses to convey his huge unwieldy, bloated Republican ass from one crime scene to another, drove away.

Yes, indeed – it’s all about integrity.


RR said...

You do have to admire the Republican slime machine in one respect: while committing the same “crimes” as Clinton there were able to make the character issue stick (somewhat) while covering their own tracks.

Master criminals indeed.

If only we could harness that power for good…

Capt. Fogg said...

There has to be some way to run my car on liquid sleaze. . .

RR said...

If you find it, this congress could power all the cars in the country for the next decade...