Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Trailer Trash

CNN in it’s effort to be more like Fox News by linking every scandal attached to the Bush Administration with a fabricated excuse or a smokescreen, has been attempting to excuse the Texas tyrant for claiming that a couple of weather balloon trailers sold to Iraq by the British were Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Lots of high ranking retired generals are speaking up? Oh but many are not, says the Newsharlot. Massive evidence that the chemical weapons trailers weren’t? Oh but some still thought they were, she says, flickering false eyelashes.

Because Bush will believe what suits his agenda, he can accept the word of the most unreliable source over the best available intelligence and with a smirk tell you he did the best he could under the circumstances. Of course the intelligence establishment was made well aware of what Bush wanted to hear and what would happen to anyone who didn’t make a case for what Bush wanted to be true.

According to CNN a report last year from the Robb-Silberman commission said some senior CIA officials had begun having doubts about “Curveball's” credibility in 2002 and took their concerns to senior managers -- and eventually to former Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet and his deputy, John McLaughlin. The information remained in Powell's U.N. presentation. Powell was made a fool in front of the world because of his loyalty and indeed so have we all.

One of Bush’s main faults is that he is a faith based idiot with no sense of humility – he can’t be wrong and like the weakest of men, he can’t admit or permit doubt. Without doubt there is no thought, if I may invoke Descartes and without doubt there is no honesty.

Still CNN continues to back the administration by downplaying the level of doubt and the level of mendacity in the President’s decision making. Bush didn’t know because Bush didn’t want to know and just as Bush ignored al Qaeda while obsessing about Iraq he ignored any evidence that didn’t support his crusade.

"I cannot count how many times the president has said the intelligence was wrong.” Said serpent tongued Scott McLellan. But Bush continued to use it for as long as he could, even knowing that it was wrong and all the while mugging and sneering and snickering at the doubting public.

Of course what CNN won’t bother to bring up is that even if there were a couple of trucks that could make poison gas rather than hydrogen for balloons, you can’t drive them to Kansas. Saddam was simply no danger to the US because of such equipment and comparing it to nuclear weapons with intercontinental delivery systems is the kind of shell game only Bush can play and only Americans are stupid enough to believe.


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