Maybe Sponge Bob or the Teletubbies will turn your kids gay, but never fear, the I Pod can turn them into soldiers. Sign up to have a recruiter call on you and get three tunes to load into the electronic equivalent of thumb-sucking.
Raw Story reports that a veteran’s group is starting a “letter drive” to allow soldiers to tell the “good news” about Iraq. I hope the good news isn’t that their body count is higher than ours, because I’ve heard that joke before. Here's some particularly good news from Spc. Richard Murphy, back from a 15 month tour.
AlterNet reports that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and other Democrats on Thursday demanded that former Education Secretary William Bennett apologize for remarks on his radio program linking the crime rate and the abortion of black babies. “You could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down”
Bennett responded that the comments, made Wednesday on his "Morning in America" show, had been mischaracterized and that his point was that the idea of supporting abortion to reduce crime was "morally reprehensible." And what Hitler really meant to say was. . . .
The 1994 Republican "contract with America" claims: "That historic change would be the end of government that is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with the public's money." Now did 9/11 change all that or did Greed, and a lust for power change all that?
Speaking of th epublic's money, today's Miami Herald reports that down in Katrina country, "The government is paying contractors an average of $2,480 for less than two hours of work to cover each damaged roof -- even though it's also giving them endless supplies of blue sheeting for free." You see, windfalls for corporations are OK as long as the workers themselves don't get minimum wage.
Why do you have to so negative? Can't you go along with the program? The Curmugeion is dead!
The Daily Optimist
And JEB! writes a letter to the editor of the WAshington POst defending his brother and bragging about how well Florida handles natural disasters. What a maroon.
I see where Wm. Bennett is now demanding an apology for having his remarks taken out of context... That fact that such a possibility concerning what he said even exists in his imagination is scary, but not terribly surprising.
Florida hasn't had a disaster like Katrena, bad as Andrew was in 1992, we weren't under water - or sewage. FEMA bungled both hurricanes I experienced in 2004 and this area still hasn't received the promised funds while there are still over a thousand people living trailers waiting for repairs.
Yeah, "Out of context" is newspeak for "jeez I wish I hadn't said that where anyone could hear."
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